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Our Concept of Marketing, and How Influences Your Business

Updated: Aug 1

Marketing for Contractors

Regardless of the role you have in a company, whether it be owner, executive, or employee, there are some questions that we should all ask ourselves. For example, are you aware of your client's interests? Do you consider that they trust your product or service over others from the competition, and if so, why? Have you considered the references and suggestions these clients offer about your company?

All these questions can be answered with one concept; MARKETING. Summarizing in a few words, marketing helps customers learn about your product or service, interact with it, and thus help the consumer decide to buy. A successful marketing plan must guarantee, among other things, the product's competitiveness, maintain stable demand, and take care of its relevance and reputation. It is safe to say that marketing is an essential factor for the success of your business. Without a basic knowledge of it, the management and prosperity of your company can be difficult, especially in a market as competitive as today's. While advertising is the most common marketing method, it also involves the study of the market, consumer trends and preferences, and product design, among others. Below I will outline the essential points that demonstrate the vital importance of marketing:

  • Effectiveness in handling clients.

  • Build and preserve a reputation.

  • Boost sales.

  • Optimize efforts and resources.

  • Make better-informed decisions.

There are different types of Marketing. The first is known as B2B or business-to-business. As its name indicates, it focuses its efforts on selling to other companies. There is also B2C or business-to-customer. This is the most common and is what we can observe mainly in large-scale promotions. Then we have C2B which is the opposite of B2C. In this, it is the clients who provide resources to the organization. A common example can be satisfaction campaigns and surveys. Finally, we have C2C where consumers interact with each other, and this can be seen on platforms like OfferUp or Craigslist.

A company's success story cannot be told without a successful marketing campaign to back it up. It is not enough to create an exceptional product or service, consumers must know about it. Study your market and give Marketing the importance it deserves since it can dictate the future of your company, its growth, and sustainability.


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